Cancellation Fee

It is our Policy and Proceedure to charge a cancellation for any and all rides or services which are no call/no shows. A no call/no show is a late cancellation or the client is not on location at the time of the drivers arrival. A late cancellation is when a client cancels the ride or other requested service while the driver is en route. The cancellation charge begins at $20.00 and does not exceed $50.00. The cancellation charge depends upon the service requested, ride mileage and any other taxes and fees where applicable. These taxes and fees include, yet are not limited to: Gas Pricing, Vehicle Wear and Tear, Any Toll Fees as applies. 

Please keep in mind: That CNP CAR SERVICE LLC is a multi-service provider. We will always do our best to get your ride or service taken care of in a timely fashion.

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